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Insolvency management System

This insolvency management system is an effective tool for trustees settling accounts receivable in case of bankruptcies, providing efficiency, transparency, and increased recovery rates, while reducing risk and ensuring compliance.

Business industry
From 2021 onwards
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Product overview

This Insolvency Management System allows trustees to quickly and efficiently settle accounts receivable. By leveraging a high level of automation, the process is streamlined, reducing the need for manual intervention and saving time and money. The DPS helps trustees to maximize recovery rates on accounts receivable. By using data analytics and machine learning algorithms, the solution can identify the most promising accounts and prioritize collections efforts, resulting in higher recovery rates. It also provides increased transparency into the accounts receivable collection process. Trustees can easily track the progress of collections efforts and monitor recovery rates, providing greater visibility and control.


By leveraging this system, trustees can reduce the risk of errors and fraud. The solution can identify potential discrepancies in the data and flag potential fraudulent activity, reducing the risk of losses.

  • High level of automation
  • Data analytics
  • Machine learning
Functionality summary
  • 01discrepancies identification
  • 02Potential fraud identification
  • 03Compliance checks
Decoration circle


Insolvency management

Insolvency management refers to the process of handling and resolving the financial distress and insolvency of a company. Insolvency occurs when a company is unable to pay its debts and meet its financial obligations. Insolvency management involves various steps and strategies aimed at maximizing the recovery for creditors and stakeholders while minimizing the impact on the company and its operations. Here are some key aspects of insolvency management:

  1. Assessment and Evaluation: The first step in insolvency management is to assess the financial situation of the company and determine the extent of the insolvency. This involves a thorough evaluation of the company's assets, liabilities, cash flow, and financial records. Professional insolvency practitioners, such as insolvency lawyers or licensed insolvency practitioners, may be engaged to provide expertise and guidance during this process.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Insolvency management must comply with applicable laws and regulations governing insolvency proceedings in the relevant jurisdiction. This includes adherence to bankruptcy or insolvency laws, filing necessary legal documents, and fulfilling reporting and disclosure requirements to relevant authorities.
  3. Restructuring and Turnaround: In some cases, a company facing insolvency may explore restructuring options to return to financial viability. This may involve negotiating with creditors for debt restructuring, refinancing arrangements, or implementing operational changes to improve profitability and cash flow. The goal is to develop a viable plan that allows the company to continue its operations and repay its debts over a specified period.
  4. Liquidation and Asset Realization: If restructuring efforts are not feasible or unsuccessful, the company may proceed with liquidation. Liquidation involves the orderly sale of the company's assets to generate funds that can be distributed among creditors. This may involve selling assets individually, auctioning off inventory, or conducting a going-out-of-business sale. The proceeds are distributed according to the priority of claims as defined by the insolvency laws.
  5. Communication and Stakeholder Management: Throughout the insolvency process, effective communication with stakeholders is crucial. This includes creditors, employees, shareholders, suppliers, and customers. Clear and transparent communication helps manage expectations, mitigate uncertainties, and maintain relationships with key stakeholders.
  6. Dispute Resolution and Legal Proceedings: Insolvency management may involve resolving disputes and legal proceedings that arise during the process. This could include litigation related to outstanding debts, claims, or challenges to the insolvency proceedings. Insolvency practitioners or legal professionals may provide guidance and representation in such matters.
  7. Closure and Post-Insolvency Considerations: Once the insolvency process is completed, the company may be dissolved, and its operations cease. Post-insolvency considerations may involve the winding-up of legal and administrative matters, finalizing financial statements, and addressing any remaining legal or contractual obligations.

Insolvency management is a complex and challenging process that requires expertise in financial restructuring, legal matters, and stakeholder management. It is important for companies facing insolvency to seek professional advice and assistance from qualified insolvency practitioners or legal professionals to navigate the process effectively and comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

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